
Why Impeached Kawira Mwangaza is Besieged in Meru: An In-depth Look


Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza has been impeached for the third time, a dramatic chapter in her tumultuous political career. From her rise as a grassroots activist to leading one of Kenya’s most politically charged counties, Mwangaza’s journey has been marked by constant conflict with the Meru County Assembly. Her tenure as governor has become a lightning rod for deeper issues within the county’s governance and the broader political landscape of Kenya’s devolved government system.

Mwangaza’s political career began in the grassroots, where she gained a following as a community mobilizer and advocate for women’s rights and social justice. Her charismatic and outspoken nature propelled her into the political limelight, leading to her election as Meru Woman Representative in 2017. In this role, Mwangaza established herself as a vocal critic of government policies, especially on issues affecting women and youth. Her populist approach endeared her to a significant portion of the Meru electorate, setting the stage for her successful bid for the gubernatorial seat in 2022.

Winning the gubernatorial race as an independent candidate, Mwangaza’s victory was a major political upset, signaling the electorate’s desire for change. However, this outsider status, which initially worked to her advantage, soon became a source of contention within the county government. Her tenure was marred by accusations of nepotism, misuse of public resources, and a governance style that critics described as autocratic.

Stormy Relationship with the County Assembly

From the start of her governorship, Mwangaza’s relationship with the Meru County Assembly was fraught with tension. Barely three months into her term, the assembly initiated the first impeachment proceedings against her, citing gross violations of the constitution and abuse of office. Although the Senate overturned this decision, citing insufficient evidence, it did little to ease the tensions.

Undeterred by the Senate’s ruling, the MCAs launched a second impeachment motion in November 2022. This attempt, like the first, was dismissed, but the conflict only deepened. The most recent impeachment, highlights the persistent divisions between the executive and legislative arms of the county government.

The Roots of Contention

The reasons behind the repeated impeachment attempts are complex. At the core of the conflict is Mwangaza’s leadership style, which many MCAs view as dismissive and authoritarian. Her tendency to bypass traditional political channels and make unilateral decisions has alienated many of her colleagues. This was most evident in her controversial decision to appoint her husband to a senior county position and to rename a public road after him, moves that were widely criticized as abuses of power​.

Political rivalry also plays a significant role. Mwangaza’s populist approach has clashed with the more established political factions within the county, leading to a power struggle over control of county resources. Issues such as the distribution of development funds and the appointment of key county officials have been particularly contentious. The MCAs, as representatives of their constituents, have a vested interest in ensuring that these resources are allocated effectively and equitably, which they argue has not been the case under Mwangaza’s administration.

The impeachment saga has also exposed deeper social and economic tensions within Meru County. The county, like many others in Kenya, struggles with issues such as poverty, unemployment, and inadequate infrastructure. The ongoing political wrangling has diverted attention from these pressing issues, hindering the county’s development efforts.

As the Senate prepares to deliberate on Mwangaza’s impeachment, the future of Meru County’s leadership remains uncertain. If the Senate upholds the impeachment, it could mark the end of Mwangaza’s controversial tenure, but it is unlikely to resolve the underlying issues that have fueled the conflict. The new leadership will face the daunting task of uniting a divided county and addressing the challenges that have been overshadowed by political infighting.

This ongoing saga also raises broader questions about the governance of Kenya’s counties. The impeachment of governors across the country have sparked concerns about the stability of county governments and the ability of elected officials to fulfill their mandates as many of them are accused of cronyism, blatant theft and corruption. As Meru and other counties grapple with these issues, the efficacy of Kenya’s devolution system will continue to be tested.

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