The Milimani Law Courts has ruled that a tea company director, Mr. Kirubi Kamau, has a case to answer over allegations of forging a stamp and signature of a lawyer who passed away 11 years ago. Kamau allegedly used the forged documents to file returns at the State Law Office in a bid to remove four fellow directors from Central Highland Tea Company Limited.
Senior Principal Magistrate Geoffrey Onsarigo directed that Kamau defend himself in court on October 3, 2024. Kamau is accused of forging the signature and stamp of the late advocate Mburu Mbugua, who died in December 2008, to falsely show that four directors—Meshack Kibunja Kaburi, Daniel Wanjie Waruingi, James Njukia Ihura, and David Macharia Gichure—had resigned from their leadership positions.
The allegations came to light when Ihura’s secretary, Jacinta Mwaura, discovered the fraudulent resignation documents while checking the status of the company online. A report was then filed at the Central Police Station, leading to an investigation by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).
DCI Officer Schola Mwaura, the 14th prosecution witness, testified that the signatures on the affidavits were confirmed to be forgeries by a document examiner. She also confirmed that no advocate had been appointed to act on behalf of the deceased lawyer, further casting doubt on the legitimacy of the documents.
Kamau has denied all 20 counts of forgery and maintains that he is being maliciously prosecuted. He has vowed to present a sworn defense and call one witness to support his case.
Kamau is currently out on bond pending the continuation of the trial.