
Shakahola Massacre: Chilling Details Emerge About Paul Mackenzie’s Sinister Cult and Land Grab Scheme!


In a dramatic twist in the ongoing Shakahola massacre case, a witness has blown the lid off a chilling saga involving controversial preacher Paul Nthenge Mackenzie, who allegedly masterminded a sinister plot to take over vast swathes of land after striking deals with local settlers. The jaw-dropping testimony, delivered in a Mombasa courtroom yesterday, paints a picture of deceit, manipulation, and cult-like control that has left the nation in disbelief.

According to Shadrack Yaa, the eleventh witness in the trial against Mackenzie and 95 of his followers, the preacher arrived in Shakahola after successfully negotiating land sales with local inhabitants, paying “Kajama,” a traditional goodwill fee, to secure his hold. Yaa, who has lived on the land since birth, revealed how Mackenzie moved in and began buying up land piece by piece, including a 10-acre plot he personally sold to the preacher for a mere Ksh 50,000 under suspicious circumstances at Mackenzie’s church in Malindi in 2020.

But the plot thickens! Yaa testified that soon after the land deals were made, a wave of strangers, described as “short-haired and decently dressed,” began to flood into the area, buying up cereal from his shop regularly. As more and more people arrived, whispers started to spread—one neighbor confided in Yaa that Mackenzie had sold him land on the bizarre condition that he must not “farm or work.” Then, in a shocking turn of events, the neighbor claimed the same plot had been sold again to someone else!


The terrifying reality of what was happening on Mackenzie’s farm became clear in 2023 when Yaa received a frantic call: 14 children had reportedly died on the farm under mysterious and horrifying circumstances. Authorities were quickly alerted, and Mackenzie, a self-styled ‘messiah’, was soon arrested in a sensational police raid that grabbed headlines across the country. Yaa, along with a local politician and police officers, later visited the scene, only to find shockingly frail and starving individuals, who were immediately rushed to the hospital in a desperate bid to save their lives.


The courtroom revelations did not stop there. Another witness, speaking under witness protection, described a nightmare existence under Mackenzie’s rule. Forced by his father to convert from Islam to Christianity, the witness recounted how Mackenzie, a fiery figure often seen preaching on Times TV, indoctrinated his followers with twisted teachings that education, medical treatment, and even registering for government IDs were ‘satanic.’

But the most shocking order? A disturbing command that followers must fast to the point of death to “hasten the coming of Jesus.” Mackenzie reportedly orchestrated a ghastly cycle of starvation, starting with children, then the youth, women, and elders, before he himself would be the last to fast. The witness revealed how some parents protested this horrifying directive and fled, taking their children with them. Yet, many stayed, entranced by Mackenzie’s terrifying vision of a ‘holy’ death.

When death came, it was not mourned, but celebrated. Funerals were referred to as ‘weddings’ to heaven, with bizarre and jubilant ceremonies marking each death as a step closer to salvation. In a chilling detail, it was revealed that Mackenzie had appointed ‘reporters’ in different settlements, responsible for announcing these macabre gatherings and ensuring his followers remained under his spell.

The revelations in court have painted Mackenzie not just as a religious leader, but as a puppet master pulling the strings in a deadly game that has claimed numerous lives. The nation now waits with bated breath as the trial continues, hoping for justice for the victims of one of the most shocking cult cases in recent memory.


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