
Mike Sonko Starts Exercise to Cut Excess Weight, Encourages Resilience and Forgiveness

Former Nairobi Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko has embarked on a rigorous exercise routine to shed his excess weight, particularly focusing on reducing his tummy. Sonko shared his fitness journey on his Facebook page, revealing that he has been engaging in intense workouts, including walking several kilometers daily and seeking additional fitness instructors.

“Recently, I walked 3 laps of 3.7 km and was panting like a donkey,” Sonko humorously wrote on his page. He added that some friends had suggested he consider gastric bypass surgery or other medical interventions, but he prefers the natural route of exercise. “The reason why I’m looking for a female gym trainer is because my kitambi [belly] has become too much,” he confessed.

Sonko, known for his large following across Nairobi and coastal counties like Mombasa, Kwale, and Kilifi, drew inspiration from the challenges of learning to ride a bicycle, stating, “You cannot know how to ride a bicycle by just reading a manual. You have to jump on the bicycle, fall down many times until you learn how to balance yourself.”

He used this analogy to encourage others pursuing their goals, emphasizing that failure is a necessary part of success. “In life, there is nothing you will ever achieve by just wishing and praying for it. You have to get out and indulge yourself in the actual action,” he added.

Sonko also urged people to avoid seeking revenge on those who wrong them, quoting Leviticus 19:18, “You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD.” He encouraged others to trust in God’s timing and let go of grudges to allow for blessings to come into their lives.

Kenyans responded to Sonko’s post with encouragement, with one follower advising, “No need for all those, just cut down on your carbs, alcohol, and sugar intake. Then reduce the number of meals per day to two. Start hitting the treadmill or the road like me every day, and you’ll see that belly disappear.”

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