
Know Raila Odinga’s Oponent for AUC Chair: Djibouti’s Mahmoud Ali Youssouf


By Correspondent

Mahmoud Ali Youssouf is one of the most experienced and respected diplomats in Africa, having served as Djibouti’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation since 2005. Over the course of nearly two decades in this role, Youssouf has played a pivotal part in shaping both Djibouti’s foreign policy and contributing to peace and security initiatives across the Horn of Africa and beyond.

Youssouf’s diplomatic career began in 1993, shortly after Djibouti’s independence from France, when he was appointed as an advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His rapid rise through the ranks reflects his keen intellect and commitment to strengthening Djibouti’s international standing. In 1997, he was appointed as Djibouti’s Ambassador to Ethiopia, a role that also made him Djibouti’s permanent representative to the African Union (AU) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).

Throughout his tenure as Foreign Minister, Youssouf has positioned Djibouti as a strategic hub for diplomacy, trade, and security in the region. He has been instrumental in facilitating peace talks in conflict-prone regions, including Somalia, Sudan, and South Sudan, often acting as a mediator in negotiations aimed at bringing stability to these war-torn countries. His involvement in regional peace processes and anti-terrorism initiatives has earned him recognition as a key advocate for peace and security in the Horn of Africa. Djibouti, under his stewardship, has also been an active contributor to the African Union’s peacekeeping missions in Somalia (AMISOM), showcasing the country’s dedication to regional stability.

Youssouf’s diplomatic acumen extends beyond regional security. He has been a tireless advocate for multilateralism and greater African unity. As a champion of African integration, Youssouf has promoted stronger economic and political cooperation among African states, consistently emphasizing the need for African nations to take a unified approach in addressing the continent’s challenges. His leadership on the international stage has been marked by his ability to balance Djibouti’s relationships with global powers while maintaining the country’s sovereignty and regional priorities.

Mahmoud Ali Youssouf’s extensive experience, diplomatic achievements, and commitment to African unity make him an outstanding candidate for the position of African Union Commission (AUC) Chairperson. There are several compelling reasons why African heads of state should support his candidacy:

1. Proven Diplomatic Leadership and Experience

➖️Youssouf’s nearly two-decade-long tenure as Djibouti’s Foreign Minister has equipped him with unparalleled diplomatic experience. His deep understanding of Africa’s geopolitical landscape, particularly in conflict resolution and peacebuilding, is crucial for steering the African Union (AU) in a continent where many regions are still grappling with instability. Having brokered peace talks in Somalia, Sudan, and other conflict areas, Youssouf has proven his capacity to mediate disputes and foster consensus—skills that are critical for an AUC Chairperson tasked with uniting Africa’s diverse nations.

2. Commitment to Peace and Security in Africa

➖️Under Youssouf’s leadership, Djibouti has been a key player in regional security efforts, especially through its support for peacekeeping operations and anti-terrorism initiatives. Youssouf has demonstrated a deep commitment to promoting stability across the Horn of Africa, which remains a crucial concern for the African Union. His experience in coordinating multinational peace efforts, such as AMISOM, and his ability to navigate complex security dynamics make him uniquely qualified to lead the AU’s efforts to address conflict and promote peace on the continent.

3. Advocate for African Integration

➖️Youssouf has long been a vocal proponent of pan-Africanism and stronger African integration. He has consistently called for African nations to work together to solve continental challenges, whether in trade, infrastructure, or political cooperation. His leadership as AUC Chairperson would further the African Union’s goals of achieving greater economic integration, as envisioned in initiatives like the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Youssouf’s track record of advocating for regional unity, alongside his diplomatic ties with both African and international leaders, would help push forward key AU priorities for sustainable development and self-reliance.

4. Multilateral Approach and Strong International Relationships

➖️Youssouf’s diplomatic career has been marked by his ability to build and maintain strong relationships with global powers, including the United States, China, and the European Union, while ensuring that Djibouti’s and Africa’s interests remain a priority. As AUC Chairperson, his experience in balancing these relationships could enhance Africa’s standing on the world stage, ensuring that the continent is heard and respected in international forums. His understanding of global diplomacy will allow the AU to navigate global challenges such as climate change, trade, and security more effectively.

5. Track Record of Integrity and Leadership

➖️Unlike other candidates whose political careers have been marked by allegations of corruption or undemocratic practices, Youssouf’s record is one of integrity and effective leadership. He has consistently demonstrated a commitment to good governance, transparency, and the rule of law, qualities that are essential for leading the African Union. His leadership would signal a renewed focus on ethical governance at the AU, reinforcing the institution’s credibility both within Africa and internationally.

6. Regional and Continental Balance

➖️Youssouf hails from Djibouti, a small but strategically important country in the Horn of Africa. His election as AUC Chairperson would bring a regional balance to the leadership of the African Union, which has often been dominated by larger or more politically influential countries. As a representative of a smaller nation, Youssouf understands the challenges faced by smaller African states and would work to ensure that all countries, regardless of size or influence, have a voice within the AU. This commitment to inclusive leadership would strengthen the unity and cohesion of the African Union.

7. Commitment to African Solutions to African Problems

➖️Youssouf has consistently advocated for “African solutions to African problems,” emphasizing the need for African nations to take ownership of their challenges and resolve them through homegrown solutions. His deep understanding of the continent’s dynamics, combined with his belief in Africa’s capacity to shape its own future, aligns perfectly with the AU’s vision of a peaceful, prosperous, and integrated Africa. As AUC Chairperson, Youssouf would focus on empowering African nations to develop solutions that address their unique political, economic, and social challenges.

8. Vision for a Stronger, More Unified African Union

➖️Youssouf’s vision for the African Union is one where African nations work more closely together to achieve common goals, whether in peacebuilding, economic development, or environmental sustainability. His focus on strengthening AU institutions, promoting regional cooperation, and enhancing Africa’s global influence makes him a strong candidate to lead the AU at a time when the continent faces unprecedented challenges, including post-pandemic recovery, climate change, and ongoing security threats.

Therefore, it is a view held in some quarters that Mahmoud Ali Youssouf’s extensive diplomatic experience, proven leadership in peace and security, commitment to African integration, and strong ethical foundation make him the ideal candidate for African Union Commission Chairperson. His supportes believe his election would bring stability, vision, and integrity to the AU’s leadership, ensuring that the organization continues to serve as a powerful force for unity and progress across Africa. ey claim Youssouf embodies the values of pan-Africanism, and his leadership would inspire confidence in Africa’s ability to tackle its challenges and shape its future.

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