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How Gachagua Wins as Ruto and Allies Lose in Sham Impeachment

Gachagua Impeachment Showdown: Is It Curtains for the Deputy President?


It’s D-Day for Rigathi Gachagua, and by the end of today, the embattled Deputy President could be ousted by the Senate, cementing last week’s decision by the National Assembly. What started as a noisy, chaotic spectacle in the Assembly, filled with braggadocio, threats, and innuendo, now moves to a more restrained but equally dangerous arena—the Senate.

Some members, like Narok Senator Ledama ole Kina, have already made their biases crystal clear, voicing their eagerness to see Gachagua gone. But let’s not sugar-coat it—this isn’t just about Gachagua’s alleged crimes, both political and non-political. This is a takedown for speaking his mind. Gachagua dared to reveal what Kenya Kwanza is: a divisive coalition fuelled by tribal entitlement and discrimination.

On day one of the Senate hearings, Gachagua’s legal team, led by the heavyweight veteran Paul Muite and Elisha Ogoya, made mincemeat of their accuser, rookie MP Mwengi Mutuse. Mutuse’s credibility was shredded, exposing him as a pawn in a larger political chess game. The poor chap didn’t stand a chance as he fumbled to back up his charges against the DP.

Let’s face it, folks, “Politics” in Kenya is the excuse used to justify the irrational, incompetent, and downright stupid. What we’ve witnessed so far is nothing but a farce—a mockery of the Constitution, orchestrated to serve one man: President William Ruto. Even Gachagua’s most vocal opponents agree—there’s no substantial case here. This impeachment isn’t about justice; it’s about pushing Gachagua out of the political picture and into the wilderness.

Money Talks, and rumours are swirling that Parliament, both the National Assembly and Senate, has been bribed left, right, and centre to ensure Gachagua’s downfall. Word on the street is that MPs who signed the impeachment motion were paid KSh 200,000 just to put their names down and promised another KSh 300,000 after voting to oust him. This isn’t about any real belief that Gachagua is guilty; it’s about someone powerful wanting him out.

But if Gachagua is impeached today, Ruto’s victory will be hollow. Sure, he’ll have succeeded in removing Gachagua from office, but don’t think for a second that the DP is done with politics. In fact, he’s only just getting started.

The real reason Gachagua is being ousted? He was becoming too big for his boots, too powerful for his own good. The President couldn’t stand seeing Gachagua take control of the Mount Kenya region and threatening to kick out MPs who didn’t toe the line in the next elections. If Gachagua had his way, he could’ve dominated Parliament in 2027—something Ruto and his cronies couldn’t tolerate.

There have been calls for Gachagua to resign, but the DP isn’t one to go quietly. He’s fought tooth and nail to block his impeachment, losing a staggering 26 court cases along the way. Some people opined that resigning might’ve guaranteed him perks like a lump-sum pension, a cushy monthly stipend, and all the bells and whistles that come with retirement. But guess what? That’s all nonsense. If he resigned, he’d be going home empty-handed. And let’s be real—resigning would’ve stripped him of the hero status he enjoys among his Mount Kenya base.

Even if impeached, Gachagua will only be barred from politics temporarily. The Senate and National Assembly may strip him of his office, but they can’t keep him out of the political game. This is a political witch-hunt, not a judicial one. Gachagua’s lawyers know this, and they’re already preparing to fight his disqualification in court. The shambolic nature of this impeachment means a court could easily rule it null and void, paving the way for Gachagua to make a stunning comeback in 2027.

Anyone who thinks Gachagua will fade into oblivion is in for a rude awakening. if he returns to politics, he’s eligible for two more terms as Deputy President if he plays his cards right. And with Mount Kenya rallying behind him, sympathy for the man sacrificed at Ruto’s altar will be sky-high.

Tonight, Ruto and his inner circle might be popping champagne, thinking they’ve rid themselves of Gachagua. But in reality, they’ve just created their biggest threat. A Gachagua-Kalonzo Musyoka ticket in 2027? It’s not as far-fetched as you might think—and it’s all thanks to Ruto and his cronies.

Gachagua’s political rise has been nothing short of meteoric. From a rookie MP to Deputy President, his ascent has been dizzying. He probably never imagined he’d get this far. But even if he’s impeached, it’s not the end of the road. By staying and fighting this sham process, he’s cementing his status as a political martyr, a man who stood up to the powers that be.

Meanwhile, there are whispers that Labour CS Alfred Mutua had a hand in this whole sordid affair. Mutua, once the Government Spokesman and later Governor of Machakos, has close ties to Mwengi Mutuse, the man behind the impeachment motion, and one of the ley witnesses, Dr. Andrew Mulwa, a foremer acting CEO of KEMSA. Could it be that Mutua is trying to outshine Kalonzo Musyoka in the Ukambani region? Political analysts seem to think so.

Whatever the case, one thing’s for sure: Kenya’s political landscape will never be the same. Gachagua may be down, but he’s far from out. Ruto and his allies might want to hold off on that victory lap—this story is far from over.

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