
Gacagua is ‘Worst Decision Kenya Kwanza Ever Made ‘ – MP Maina

DP told he has a psychological and physical problem and is “the worst decision that Kenya Kwanza has ever made”


Deputy President Rigathi Gaccagua is this week in the eye of a storm as UDA colleagues continued unleashing a attacks on him, jeopardising his sustained efforts to emerge as the foremost influential Mt Kenya politician.  Last weekend, in a thinly veiled attack, a Murang’a politician claimed Gacagua had a psychological and physical problem, which made him attack fellow leaders whenever he got the micro[phone at a public event.

Writing in a social media group, Murang’a UDA Women Representative Betty Maina accused Gacagua of fighting leaders from “the very first day of swearing in.” Gacagua is remembered for unleashing an attack against former President Uhuru Kenyatta on the very dais that he had been sworn in on as Deputy President in the presence of the former President. That attack, which came in the emotive moments following UDA;s disputed victory at the polls, was considered vile and unsolicited even among supporters of UDA.

Maina claimed that Gacagua was “the worst decision that Kenya Kwanza government has ever made.” She said that Gacagua was like a “bad man (who) quarrels with his tools. You are the problem. You can massage your ego thinking you’re powerful and the commander of people’s destinies but I tell you this, you will go down before all of us.”

“You knw yourself, you know your heart, you know you’re causing war,” Maina told the DP.

Gacagua was last weekend complaining of his war against illicit liquor being sabotaged by the Interior Ministry headed by Prof. Kithure Kindiki, his rival for nomination as William Ruto’s running mate at the last elections.

Maina’s attack was soon after followed by a post by Mathira MP Eric Wamumbi who confirmed that there was a rift between him and the DP, saying however, that “the rift is not about the closed bars in Karatina town which have left the town dead for the last four months” but “it is about something bigger than that, he should say the truth, and nothing but the truth.” The MP, whose supermarket in Nyeri town was recently attacked and looted by anti-Finance Bill 2024 protestors, promised to tell what he called “the truth”. For now, that truth is only known to him.

The recent attacks on Gacahua came on the heels of a spirited stack on him by Cabient colleague Moses Kuria, who recently said Gacagua had resisted joining the Kenya Kwanza Alliance through a Mount Kenya political party and had in fact mobilised people to resist the move but was now agitation for the Mt. Kenya people to join the Opposition.

Kjuria wrote: “As we headed towards the 2022 general elections, I pleaded with you about the need to join the Kenya Kwanza Alliance through a Mt. Kenya Party like Chama Cha Kazi. You told me off and even mobilised everybody to protest against me, Kabogo and Kiunjuri, and our party candidates. Only Kiunjuri survived your evil scheme. Now that UDA has formed a government, you want our people to leave UDA and the government and join your party.

This is pure Ukora and selfishness. You want to lock the Gichegu when the mbuzi has already Left.”

Kuria claimed that Ruto had appointed him to the Cabine against Gacaguia’s wishes because the DP had said “we couldn’t have another mlevi like Uhuru. Uhuru, whom you are professing love for.” Kuria accused Gacagua of having a hand in his transfer from the Ministry of Investments, Trade, and Industry to that of Public Service “because you thought my efforts in poverty reduction, job creation, and wealth creation were too dangerous for your plans.”

Kuria accused the DP of doing “zero work” and as the President works 24 hours, “you are so idle that you spend the entire day politicking or filling out tender forms. I wonder how you can run a government yet you know absolutely nothing about how government operates.”

In some quarters, Gacagua is believed to be one of the people that have facilitated the emergence of the Gen Z protests, which some believe he could be a direct beneficiary of if Ruto throws in the towel and quits as the Constitution gives the Deputy President the line of succession. No evidence has been provided of this but Gacagua himself has not helped stop the speculation by his constant politicking and heaping blame of his government colleagues for real and perceived  tribulations that he’s going through in the government.

Gacagua’s increased political activity has bene linked to a decision by powerful political influencers ion the Mt. Kenya region who have decided to withdraw their backing for President Ruto for perceived ills against their people. Although it has not been publicly confirmed, iot is believed that former President Uhuru Kenyatta supports this move, and the withdrawal oif this support is what has given Gacagua more courage.

The downside for Gacagua is that although he is currently the senior most person in the government and in politics, there are many who are uncomfortable with him as their candidate for the Presidency in n2027. This group has instead been shopping for a candidate and the name of Fred Matiang’i as a sort of compromise candidate has come up.

“The group has set up a thinktank and its has settled on (former Health Minister) Mutahi Kagwe to be Matiang’i’s running mate,” said our source. The thinktank had initially thought of fronting a Kikuyu candidate for the Presidency but it was thought this could be polarising and would be embraced by anti-Kikuyu propagandists who would pit them against the Kalenjin, creating a narrative of supremacism.

According to a source, Kagwa had it going for him as, like Gacagua, he comes from Nyeri, although he is politically more experienced and appears more level headed than Gacagua. Kagwe received praise for the manner he handled the COVID 19 pandemic in the Uhuru administration, making Kenya earn plaudits as one of the countries that managed to reduce the impact and mortalities associated with COVID 19.

But Kagwe would find it rough as he’s not considered charismatic enough nor endowed with organisational acumen that would be required to run a presidential campaign. The candidature of Fed Matiang’i would also face roadblocks, including in his native Gusii region, as he has not been known to be friendly to politicians and other leaders whom he put down whenever he held meetings with them.

In settling on Kagwe as the choice of Mt. Kenya, the thinktank is said to have considered Gacagua’s past as a District Officer in the Moi regime, during which he is alleged to have participated in activities that contributed to the oppression and displacement of Agikuyu people from the Rift Valley region in the early 1990s. Gacagua’s abrasive behaviour and apparent lack of consideration and ability to respect his past bosses has also not helped his case. Some at the thinktank fear that if he rises to the top, they would not be spared abuse, both physically and verbally.

“Matiang’i is not a leader, he doesn’t inspire,’ says Roman Mogaka, a trade in Nairobi. “He is more suited to become a nyapara (supervisor) than a leader. He should be given the job of ensuring government policies are implemented but he cannot be the leader at the top because he has very strong dictatorial tendencies.”

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